new painting – Bloom on the Saddleback Trail

This past summer there was a massive hailstorm that covered the area in a thick layer of white – some of it lasting for a few days. The carefully tended gardens of the village and wildflowers alike were decimated. Oh well, that’s nature – but still a bit of a bummer.

So when we heard that there were untouched pockets of wildflowers left in the alpine, my artist friend Maria and I decided to get ourselves up there asap. And there they were – just as reported. I have no clue how these pockets of bloom survived a storm which seemed to cover the whole region. Some of the areas were sheltered, sure. Others were right out in the open. It is a mystery.

The source of this painting was a photo taken in a little meadow on the Saddleback Trail, which happens to be my very favourite portion of hiking trail on the mountain. Pretty, meandering and gentle – it is a bit of a break from the open and windswept ascent to Mount Tod. As customary, we took a hundred photos – all of which were worthy of working up into a sketch or painting (very rare!). It all was then wittled down to this canvas over months of worrying over the itsy bitsy details.

As far as memories go, I will treasure this painting. To me, it is 100% Sun Peaks and distills everything that I love about living here – the people (we met some really lovely fellow hikers that day – and Maria’s company is always a gift), the landscape, the weather (which takes on a personality of its own) and the small corners that continue to surprise.

Bloom on the Saddleback Trail (Acrylic on canvas, 30 x 30 inches)

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